Every literate woman marks a victory over poverty. Literacy affects our lives and projects in every dimension. It is clear that literacy transforms lives, not just physically and economically but also spiritually. Here Mothers take literacy to become more economically self-reliant and more actively engaged in their country’s social, political and cultural life.
In January – December 2020, Total 150 Mothers are included in the literacy Programs in seven classes. 16 mothers were undergoing education in Open Universities in Bangladesh.Two Mother’s took part in JSC Examinations.
Talking Science
Shishu Polli Plus started talking science with mothers so that they can understand their daily life with science. How can they run their everyday life by using scientific phenomena that are around them? Talking science activities are filtering water, hygienic activities, tree plantation, sack gardening, good child-rearing, care of the environment etc. Mothers are very happy with talking science classes.
Sack Gardening
Sack Gardening is one of the most innovative programs run by SPP. It has become a part of the Literacy Program since October 2018. The main aim of Sack Gardening is to teach the mothers letters, signs and words directly. It has become an easy approach to teach a mother letters signs and words as well as how to grow vegetables within a sack. When the mothers will get back to their community, they will produce green vegetables through Sack gardening to fulfil their needs. Mothers are really interested to make a small business for their community by doing this Sack Gardening.