Our Mission
To ensure our organisational activities are focussed on meeting the needs of the destitute, marginalised women and their children with whom we have the privilege to work.

Destitute, marginalized and under privileged women with their children are enabled to live a self-reliant and empowered life in mainstream society-provided with adequate knowledge, capacity, dignity and with their rights acknowledged.

Core values of SPP
Show mutual respect and trust
- Greet each other politely
- Respect other peoples opinion
- Honor and learn from other people
- React positively to requests and decisions and think before making any comments
- Do not spread rumours
- Have a positive attitude
- Have a co-operative mentality
- Show patience & tolerance
- Encourage & welcome other peoples views & opinions
Promote a pleasant working environment
- Free from fear
- Free from bias
- Be open minded
- Encourage constructive criticism of ideas/concepts/plans (not people)
- Be impartial
- Be punctual and manage time well
- Work in a team for a common goal
- Always think about what would most benefit the beneficiaries and make decisions accordingly
Show commitment to the organization
- Be respectful & sensitive in all interactions with beneficiaries
- Offer heartfelt service to the beneficiaries
- Be cost effective in the use of resources
- Promote the organizational image
- Respect organizational policies and procedures
- Behave with sincerity & honesty
- Behave with self-discipline
Do not show any religious or other discrimination
- Participate & encourage others to attend all the events held at of SPP
- Treat everyone equally regardless of gender, class, religion, disability etc.
- Respect diversity and learn from others whatever their gender, class, religion or disability
Develop our human resources
- Encourage everyone at SPP to develop their highest potential
- Recognise and encourage creativity