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Shishu Polli Plus is a purpose built complex where our mission is to support mothers and children to keep female led families together. To enable the mothers to keep and care for their children we provide long term rehabilitation services- are including literacy, life skills and income generating skills – in a safe environment. The families who come to us are at severe risk of the children being given in to care or the homes of distant relatives. Many of these families come from amongst the poorest and most isolated areas of Bangladesh and are struggling because of poverty, social stigma, abuse, trauma, etc. The model of rehabilitation is based on Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. The Village was founded in 1989 and was the concept of Patricia Kerr (now Overseas Director). It was established with the support of a large donor group in the UK- including many British Airways staff as BA flew to Bangladesh at that time. As a grass root organization we respond to changing needs amongst our target population and are constantly reviewing programmes that include nutrition, caring, training,counselling and community fostering for the vulnerable children and traumatised mothers.

Approximately 500 mothers and children live in the village and follow an agreed rehabilitation programmes for up to three years. As well as receiving literacy and vocational training and other educational opportunities, the mothers work for SPP and earn a small allowance. Each month they also receive money in a saving account that is given to them, as a capital sum, when they return to their communities.

SPP also has a number of physically disabled children who are in need of special care and are staying with us for the rest of their lives.

The complex is designed to have a village structure and atmosphere and it has facilities like a school, a clinic, kitchens, deep and shallow tube-well, ponds, agriculture, accommodation, vocational training, garments training, handmade paper mil, greeting card production, embroidery, tailoring and other facilities. The Village also provides a safe and loving environment where mothers and children receive nutritious food, health care, education, training and work skill development programmes to enable them to be independent and to live in their communities with empowerment, independence and dignity.



We are grateful to every one of our donors, volunteers and well-wishers-locally and globally. We appreciate the help and support we have receiving from all of you throughout our journey.

Shishu Polli Plus works with destitute single-mothers and their children to give them the basic needs, knowledge and skills they need to function independently in society.

Criteria for Admission at Shishu Polli Plus

We are admitting destitute women who have no(or very limited) male support with their children. (In general children under the age of 11 but this has flexibility especially for vulnerable girl children). The mothers are struggling to keep their families together because of poverty, lack of knowledge, social pressures and related issues.

The mothers are :
  • Widowed
  • Divorced
  • Abandoned(children’s father missing/separated for at-least one year)
  • Unmarried(abused)
  • Husband has a significant physical or mental impairment.

[/vc_infobox][vc_infobox title=”Our Core Departments” align=”text-center”][/vc_infobox][vc_separator el_width=”60″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row el_class=”hover-style”][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_RsServices service_style=”Style 7″ title=”Care and Education” screenshots=”6503″]Child and mother Care, Children-Education, Health, Child Welfare and behavior support.[/vc_RsServices][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_RsServices service_style=”Style 7″ title=”Livelihood & Rehabilitation” screenshots=”5590″]Admission and Release, Core Rehabilitation(money management, basic health care and hygiene) Literacy for mothers, Agriculture, Livelihood Training, Community Re-integration, Follow up in the community.[/vc_RsServices][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_RsServices service_style=”Style 7″ title=”HR Administration” screenshots=”5646″]HR and Admin, IT, Communication, Accounts and Finance, Donor liaison and Public Relations, Technical Support Services, Procurement.[/vc_RsServices][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_RsServices service_style=”Style 7″ title=”Our Aim” el_class=”text-justify”]Keeping mothers and their children together: Due to widespread poverty, mothers without male support (abandoned or widowed) in Bangladesh often feel they have no option but to place their children in institutional care. Our core goal is to ensure that mothers and their children can stay together. We are the only residential organisation in Bangladesh that offers long-term training and development to mothers while ensuring families remain together.

To ensure children have a safe, happy and healthy childhood and receive appropriate schooling.

To ensure that mothers have the skills, training, education and confidence needed to live independently, fulfil their potential and take care of their children

To ensure mothers and children can overcome their traumatic pasts[/vc_RsServices][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_single_image image=”6491″ img_size=”large” alignment=”center” css=”.vc_custom_1590660452464{margin-top: 10px !important;}”][rs_header_title title_tag=”h3″ title=”Your help will break the circle of poverty of underprivileged mothers and childrens”][vc_button_title rs_button=”Donate Now” rs_button_link=”https://shishupolliplus.org/sponsorship-form/” align=”center” button_style=”btn-border” buttoncolor=”#000000″ bnt_border=”#14e822″ bnt_background=”#0ad32c” bnt_background_hover=”#dd3333″ bnt_hover_text=”#ffffff”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_infobox title_tag=”h4″]

We are the only project in Bangladesh offering a safe haven and livelihood training to destitute single mothers with their children, we are well known throughout the country. We provide comprehensive support to destitute single mothers and their children at Shishu Polli Plus who are some of the most vulnerable members of society.

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